The Frugal Market

With the economy hard hit and many people out of work many are looking for frugal marketing. The truth and reality is that less people are spending money. However, while some products are seeing a decrease in sales, others are seeing a increase in sales. Now the question is, where do your products fall into that mix.

Personally, I feel that there is a fear or maybe we could down grade that word to a deep concern with regards to the economy and sales. After all if one watches the news one can get caught up in all the propaganda so to speak. You see there is a whole lot of speculation, gossip, what if and fuel on the news that seems to always paint a picture and many times that picture is distorted.

Remember, the swine flu epidemic and break out that hit the news. It was the main topic on every news station with fears of millions upon millions dying. But as quickly as it took root, it just as quickly disappeared.

You might ask, what does the swine flu have to you with frugal marketing. Nothing other than to share that while many are walking in fear and the unknown, others are pressing forward and finding success. The people that are finding success are the one's that are pursuing it rather than feeding off all the fears, worries and concerns.

I encourage you to press forward in your bid of success. Don't fall into those places, rooms and feelings of hopelessness and defeat. Press forward and find creative ways to bring change that is positive. Become a pioneer that is seeking new lands and ways to effectively market your products and also take advantage of all the great opportunities that are before you.